

Nikki's Care and Feeding User Agreement

This User Agreement ("Agreement") outlines the terms and conditions for the care and feeding of Nikki, a very large tuxedo cat. By entering into this Agreement, you, the cat owner, and any designated caregivers or custodians ("User") agree to abide by the following provisions:

1. General Care:
   1.1. User shall provide a safe and comfortable living environment for Nikki, including adequate shelter, bedding, and access to fresh water at all times.
   1.2. User shall ensure Nikki has a balanced and nutritious diet suitable for a large cat, consulting with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate portion sizes and dietary requirements.
   1.3. User shall maintain a clean litter box for Nikki and promptly clean up any waste to promote good hygiene.
   1.4. User shall regularly groom Nikki, including brushing the coat, trimming nails, and checking for any signs of illness or discomfort.
   1.5. User shall provide regular exercise and playtime to keep Nikki physically and mentally stimulated.

2. Veterinary Care:
   2.1. User shall schedule regular veterinary check-ups for Nikki, including vaccinations, parasite prevention, and any necessary medical treatments.
   2.2. User shall promptly seek veterinary attention if Nikki displays any signs of illness, injury, or distress.
   2.3. User shall keep accurate and up-to-date medical records for Nikki, including vaccination certificates, medical history, and contact information of the primary veterinarian.

3. Feeding:
   3.1. User shall provide Nikki with high-quality cat food appropriate for his size, age, and health condition.
   3.2. User shall establish a regular feeding schedule and ensure that Nikki receives meals at consistent times.
   3.3. User shall monitor Nikki's food intake to prevent overeating and obesity.
   3.4. User shall not feed Nikki any harmful or toxic substances, including but not limited to chocolate, onions, garlic, and certain plants that are toxic to cats.
   3.5. User shall provide fresh water at all times and ensure that the water bowl is cleaned and refilled regularly.

4. Environment and Safety:
   4.1. User shall cat-proof the living space to minimize potential hazards, such as toxic plants, small objects that can be swallowed, and open windows or balconies that pose a risk of falling.
   4.2. User shall ensure that Nikki has access to suitable scratching posts and toys to promote healthy scratching behavior and prevent damage to furniture or other household items.
   4.3. User shall keep harmful chemicals, medications, and household cleaning products securely stored and out of Nikki's reach.
   4.4. User shall supervise Nikki when outdoors or in unfamiliar environments to prevent escape or exposure to dangerous situations.

5. Emergency and Contingency Plans:
   5.1. User shall establish an emergency plan in case of natural disasters or unforeseen circumstances, ensuring that Nikki's needs are considered and provisions are made for his safety and well-being.
   5.2. User shall provide emergency contact information for a trusted individual who can care for Nikki in the event of the User's absence or incapacity.
   5.3. User shall maintain a list of important contacts, including the primary veterinarian, emergency veterinary services, and any other relevant professionals or caregivers.

6. Indemnification:
   6.1. User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless all individuals involved in Nikki's care and feeding from any claims, damages, liabilities, losses, or expenses arising from or related to Nikki's actions or any breach of this Agreement.
   6.2. User acknowledges that they

 are solely responsible for Nikki's well-being and any consequences resulting from their failure to comply with this Agreement.

7. Termination:
   7.1. This Agreement may be terminated by either party with written notice to the other party.
   7.2. In the event of termination, User shall ensure that Nikki's care is transferred to a suitable and responsible party.

8. Governing Law:
   8.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which User and Nikki reside.

By accepting this User Agreement, User acknowledges that they have read and understood all the terms and conditions contained herein and agree to be bound by them. Failure to comply with this Agreement may result in legal consequences and the removal of Nikki from User's care.

This User Agreement is effective upon acceptance and remains in effect until terminated.